No-one could ever have predicted that the last 4 months would have looked the way they have. No-one could have prepared us for how our lives would change: the way we work, the way we shop, the way we exercise, the way we look after our children and how they are taught, when and what we eat, and even how we feel and what we worry about.
As lockdown restrictions are lifted and you start to reflect on how it has been for you, have new habits formed you want to keep or loose and what habits have been lost you want to regain or ditch forever?
Has Covid-19 changed parts of your life forever? Has it made you want to refocus on your health and make long term sustainable change?
Do you want support and information to make these healthy habit changes before life goes back to the old normal and instead create your own new healthy norm for life?
Let me introduce Menu&Mind!
Building strong foundations for change with the combination of NLP techniques and Wholefood Eating Principles will enable you to take responsibility and build your own path and health plan to achieve whatever goal you set yourself.
The path to long-term sustainable change incorporates both healthy eating knowledge and a clear understanding of your mindset. With Menu&Mind we give you the tools to build your own path, set your own goals and decide your own habit changes.
Why do you need to build your own path and plan?
Everyone is different!! Your starting point will be unique to you, your goals will be your own, you will have your own rate of change and your own personal experiences will define how you make those changes.
With support and guidance this is all possible
Those who have attended the course with great success aimed to:
- Achieve weight loss
- Change eating habits for the family
- Change mindset around food
- Be more organized and manage multiple family dietary requirements
- Learn to take responsibility for their health and lifestyle
- Learn a wholefood frame-work for eating that works for them
This is what some of them said:

What is involved?
Menu&Mind helps to guide you through the steps to build a firm foundation for your path to sustainable change. You will learn to:
- Reframe current diet beliefs
- Understand your existing eating and lifestyle habits
- Learn to plan whole food meals
- Learn new recipes using mental flexibility
- Anchor new eating and lifestyle changes
I have a passion for health and well-being and I teamed up with like-minded NLP practitioner and friend Anya Macfarlane to help others to achieve long term sustainable changes for better health through our Menu&Mind courses.
If you are interested in learning more about our Courses and Membership Program please drop me an email…